Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I have to brag for a moment here.  I have a friend that I have known since the day I was born.  I'm four days older than him and he has no idea how talented he is.  His talent that I am most impressed with is his musical ability.  He writes, records, and performs all the music you hear in Primitive Tim videos. 

He's a talented musician, that's great!  On top of that he comes over and looks at footage I've edited out and creates music specifically for those scenes!  This is where my mind gets blown.  I'll be sitting at the computer and I get a text from him telling me that I have a new email.  This means he's sent me a song or ten.  Every single time it fits perfectly into the scene that he has written it for.

On top of all that, he is doing this for free until we start making real money.  He is the single biggest investor after me.  This shows that he believes in me and Primitive Tim and that kind of support means more than anything in the world.

Here is a shot of the artist performing on his Youtube channel.  Go listen to his videos, I am!

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