Friday, November 22, 2013

Aquatic Reptiles~ Fun Footage Friday 15

When I film I always prefer to film in the animals' elements.  If the animal is aquatic I'm getting in that water and if it's arboreal you can be sure I'll be up that tree in no time.

In this video there are two locations represented.  They are Cherokee Sink and Silver River.  These are both beautiful bodies of water.  While the scenery is cool it's the creatures beneath the surface that really intrigue me.  Some animals tend to have a bad reputation like alligators, snapping turtles, and snakes.  When encountered on land they can be very defensive creatures with their hissing and snapping.  However beneath the surface you get to know a different animal.  Underwater is where these animals are content and comfortable.  They tend to be much more calm and apt to run away if they feel threatened rather than lash out as they might on land.

I hope y'all enjoy this week's Fun Footage Friday!

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