Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Ultimate Goal

Goals are what drive us.  For me I have roughly a million goals that will all lead to one ultimate goal.  I'm not going to tell you the ultimate goal for my life, mostly because I am not exactly certain what it is.  I can tell you what the main goal for my interest and effort in primitive stuff is though.

That main goal is to be capable of living off of the land in a sustainable manner with only the things I can get in nature.  I wouldn't necessarily have to use them right off but in the long term I would have a better idea of how to do things.  This means I have a ton of things to learn.  I feel like the amount of things I need to learn is so great that I would have needed to start learning when I was a child just to have an understanding of how it works at my current age.

Anyway, back to working on my BS degree in electrical engineering.

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