Thursday, May 7, 2015

Episode 1.5: I got to Stay Clean!

I do got to stay clean :) well, I'd like to anyway.  One issue we have here in some parts of America is water.  We're not managing it well.  So I went and hung out with Mr. Mike and helped him make some soap.  I'm about to tie water and soap together:  I want to bathe in natural bodies of water whenever a shower isn't available.  So far I've done it twice since I have a lot of friends and family in the east.  Now I didn't want to use a petroleum based soap like the stuff we buy at the store because, while I haven't done much (any) research I figure it's probably not a positive thing to put in the water.  So with natural lard based soap I can bathe and wash without having to worry about polluting the water.  The last lake I bathed at there were fish nibbling on my feet while I scrubbed my body down.  They obviously did not mind the natural soap.  Also, I love the idea of making soap on your own at home and I wanted to learn how and promote doing things on your own and hanging out with cool older people :)

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