Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Bonus Episode: Mining Rainbow Obisidian

On my way down to Tahoe I stopped in Davis Creek to collect some rainbow obsidian and when I got there it turned out I had arrived at a knap-in, where knappers gather and make arrowheads and such together.  In this day and age the majority of knappers or older folks so it was really neat to meet up with these old timers that knew where all the best rock was and who were absolutely generous.  I didn't even film any while I was there because I was so consumed with interacting with these people and learning.  This was such an important part of the trip so I decided to drive the 4 hours back up on one of my two days off.  I mined all day and got a bucket load of obsidian.  This is more than enough to last me a few years.  All in all I'm glad I seized the opportunity to get some material that I will likely never have access to again.

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