Saturday, January 17, 2015

New "Toy"

My brother texts me and says he found a really good deal.  So I open the link he sent me and it's an 85 Toyota van.  I've been flirting with the idea of getting an old van, stripping out the inside, and making it into a camper van.  When I saw this deal I had one of those moments when I was like, "Crap, I have to act now or this opportunity is gone forever."  So I went out and bought the van that night.  I'm pretty excited  and it's a trip to drive.  I'm sure that excitement will wear off but for now it's just kind of fun to drive.  So far I've stripped everything out of the back  and I'm about ready to start outfitting the inside.  To be honest I'm not too concerned about the color but I have some friends that want to paint it for me so we'll see if I let them.  I kind of like the primer gray.  As of now the plan is to get it outfitted for camping and take it across North America!  I've got some ideas that I'm pretty excited about but I'll update y'all as they're implemented.  This should be interesting :)

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