Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Freeze Frame

One thing I really enjoy about filming is that it captures everything.  I'm shooting at 60 frames per second so whenever something happens I can grab a frame out of that footage and the results are sometimes hilarious.

So I'm editing footage from my recent road trip of the southeast and I come across a segment where a snake is going wild.  Often times there are things going on that happen too fast for the naked eye to register.  I paused the segment to switch windows and grab another piece of footage but when I paused it the segment happened to land on the below frame.  I had just watched this segment and never realized I made this face.  Not only was I making an exceptional expression but the snake was at full strike with its mouth wide open.  I grabbed the frame and saved it.  I thought it was humorous and it gives anyone interested in my videos a preview of what's to come.

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